Sunday, July 24, 2011

Going Steampunk

What steampunk is actually about? Well, there are a number of websites coming up with fancy definitions, all of which can be described as follows: it's all about revitalising the Victorian era with a futuristic element. I'm sure most of you heard about the ground-breaking books by Julius Verne, which in his time were revolutionary because they've introduced inventions and concepts which were ahead of his times: submarines, balloons, and more. Other authors who followed included H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley (Frankenstein), or Arthur Conan Doyle (The Lost World). Steampunk takes on board a lot of these concepts and adds a bit of a twist to make them attractive to modern audience. Sometimes including a bit of a fang and fur as well (e.g. Gail Carriger, The Parasol Protectorate series). However, a number of authors remained more down-to-earth concentrating more on "look-what-I-can-do-with-a-couple-of-screws-and-an-idea!".

As a natural consequence of steampunk books, we've ended up with a whole lot of film-makers focused on making money on those ideas. This resulted in a range of films, with an average quality somewhere between mediocre and not bad. If you've seen films like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with Sean Connery, Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, Prestige with Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman, or the trailer to the new version of The Three Musketeers, then, my friend, you were exposed to steampunk.

Of course, steampunk is not only represented by books and films. Let's nto forget about steampunk-inspired music, like for example the persona of Doctor Elemental and his steam-punkish hip-hop:

Does it seem like your cup of tea? Yes? No? Well, there was no harm in trying something new, was there. Of course now that you know it, you can't unknown it so sorry for any permanent damage :)

If you got hooked and want to know more I recommend a number of websites, a lot of which have taken steampunk and turned into a new way of life, e.g. The League of S.T.E.A.M., Steamed, and very informative - and The Airship Ambassador.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

About the universe and other things

My favourite comic book, aka PHD COMICS (go figure ;P) released a film about, well, the expanse of our knowledge about the universe, which if presented in the form of a pie chart looks roughly like that: there's this 5% that we know, 20% which is the dark matter (that we don't know much about anyway), and then there's this 75% that we have no clue about...And they went from there.

I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Dark Matters from PHD Comics on Vimeo.