Wednesday, August 25, 2010

feeling...better...a bit

When you're sick, by definition everything is gloomy, the weather is dodgy (in my case it's actually true) and you are feeling like someone stationed a whole darn artillery in your throat and started shooting. And believe me - it doesn't look like a blitzkrieg to me. More like Brits and Germans in trenches - moving forward a bit, and then three crawls on you belly back .

But sometimes, in a moment of final despair and boredom (though the latter is nto really applicable to me) you start browsing the mighty god of Google and/or F-book, and you come across a little miracle-maker like this:

Are you still sad and gloomy after that? Impossible! :D

Still my throat didn't quite appreciate the amount of laughter mixed with intense coughing that I've just produced.

Well, you can't make everyone happy I suppose :P

Miss Be

Sunday, August 22, 2010

To speed up or to slow down?

We are always hearing in media about out society being in a constant frenzy. Running for a meeting/date/film screening/doctor's appointment and so on. When you listen to random people on a street there is this repeating theme of being in a hurry, out of time, being late, behind schedule, overdue, behind time, and so on. It almost seem as if no mater how hard we try, we are doomed to be those couple of minutes late. It would be nice to be able stop in the middle of the overwhelming crowd of people-in-a-hurry and just look at everything in a slow motion. What would we see then?

Some things, however, have to be speed up for us to be able to notice the change.

Enjoy this little BBC production: "Timelapse: speeding up life".

Have a nice Sunday :)

Miss B.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Valeting service for bikes :)

Have you ever heard about valeting service for bikes? Well, I didn't and judging from the state of awareness regarding bikes and what-a-cyclist-needs, I didn't have much hope that such an idea will be successful, let alone arise in the minds of restaurant/bar/pub owners.

However, there was a surprise (and a nice one too) waiting for me on the London Cycle Chic blog this morning. Apparently, on Marleybone High Street a new restaurant has opened its doors nto only to coffee-lovers, but to their bikes as well. So when you arrive on your favorite Poppy, Dutchy of Trek, you will be offered a valeting service in a secure, indoor storage space. And at no additional cost.

No more hassle with finding a parking space for your bike, no more wet bum when there was an accidental shower and your poor bike is soaking wet.

I can only hope that more places, like Cafe Luc, will recognise that a bike is also a vehicle worth providing a good care for.

Friday, August 20, 2010


No tak, znowu jestem chora: kaszle, pluje, uroczy widok ;) Niby lato, ale co to za lato? Niebo zasmune chmurami, deszcz wisi w powietrzu, a do tego masa roboty w labie i przy kompiee. Ehh wakacji, wakacji, wakacji potrzeba.

Nie lubię smętnej wersji siebie, jakos tak niewygodnie, nienaturalnie sie czuje i szukam zawsze desperacko czegoś co by mnie z tej nastojowej studni wyciągnęło. No i proszę, jak na zawołanie Agusia mi taka bombę podsyła że nie moze sie nie śmiać. I od razu jakoś pogodniej, i jaśniej.

Nieważne czy znasz anime czy nie to ci sie na pewno spodoba:

Народ.ТВ / Narod.TV - народное видео. - [AMV]Vlad G Pohnert-The Audition

Hip hip hura, na cześć "Mahna Mahna" :D

A że nie może byc "Mahna Mahna" bez Muppetów więc....

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