Saturday, August 21, 2010

Valeting service for bikes :)

Have you ever heard about valeting service for bikes? Well, I didn't and judging from the state of awareness regarding bikes and what-a-cyclist-needs, I didn't have much hope that such an idea will be successful, let alone arise in the minds of restaurant/bar/pub owners.

However, there was a surprise (and a nice one too) waiting for me on the London Cycle Chic blog this morning. Apparently, on Marleybone High Street a new restaurant has opened its doors nto only to coffee-lovers, but to their bikes as well. So when you arrive on your favorite Poppy, Dutchy of Trek, you will be offered a valeting service in a secure, indoor storage space. And at no additional cost.

No more hassle with finding a parking space for your bike, no more wet bum when there was an accidental shower and your poor bike is soaking wet.

I can only hope that more places, like Cafe Luc, will recognise that a bike is also a vehicle worth providing a good care for.

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